Monsters: x3 Battle Fader
x1 BLS - Envoy
x2 Blackwing - Boreas
x1 Blackwing - Hillen
x3 Blackwing - Vayu
x1 Blackwing - Zephyros
x2 Card Trooper
x3 Effect Veiler
x1 Glow-Up Bulb
x1 Gorz
x1 Lightpulsar Dragon
x3 Magical Merchant
x3 Metaion
x2 Necro Gardna
x1 Plaguespreader Zombie
x1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
x3 Ryko
x1 Sangan
x3 Sephylon
Spells: x1 Magical Stone Excavation
x3 Monster Reincarnation
Extra: x1 Catastor
x1 Black Rose Dragon
x2 Blackwing Armed Wing
x1 Blackwing Armor Master
x1 Brionac
x1 Stardust Dragon
x1 Trishula
x1 Leviair
x1 17
x3 Turret Train
x1 The Sacred Ptolemys M7
x1 Zenmaines
Objective The primary objective of this deck is to seed as many monsters as you can and then in the same turn, special summon as many monsters as you can possible, aiming for a possible OTK or finishing off the rest of your opponent's LP.
Time Lord deck has the fuel to special summon any amount of synchro or effect monsters. The
Blackwing cards included in this deck will help you to swarm the field with monsters, but you can even take it a step further and synchro summon those blackwing monsters with cards included in this deck such as
Glow-Up Bulb and
Plaguespreader Zombie.
The main card you want in your hand is
Sephylon. It will help with special summoning other monsters, but in this case to special summon Metaion. Combined together as an XYZ summon it can bring
Turret Train on the field.
Turret Train can knock off some 2000 LP by it's effect easily. The first monster you would want to detach from
Turret Train would be
Sephylon so that you can be able to add
Sephylon back to you hand by activating
Monster Reincarnation or
Blackwing - Zephyros' effect. Then you can simply repeat the combo as many times as possible, ultimately knocking off 6000 of your opponent's LP before the BP has even started.
Cards like
Card Trooper and
Magical Merchant that are included in this deck will help you to seed more monsters into the graveyard. This will help gain
Sephylon's special summoning conditions faster and also put
Blackwing cards on the field.
Cards like
Battle Fader and
Necro Gardna will be your defense. The effects of both monsters work well with this deck, but know when to use them. Don't waste them.